Life, Death, Creativity and Meaning

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

"who hears my music, sees my soul"

Friday, November 17, 2006

Music for the Easter Season

Raise the Palm Leaves High

A Palm Sunday Anthem for SATB Choir, organ,
with optional handbells and congregation participation.

powered by ODEO

Raise the palm leaves high O people of Jerusalem
Raise the cry of your long-awited hope!
On a donkey's back rides the Prince of Love, the Prince of Peace,
Praise His name, sing Alleluia!

Let your joyfyl singing welcome God in human form,
Long-awaited, hope re-kindled, life renewed,
One of us He comes, Man-in-God and God-in-Man
Praise His name, sing Alleluia!

Palms! Palms! We come to You with Palms!
Praise You with instruments and psalms.
Bells ring! New wine flows!
Stones sing, and we'll follow where you go:
Though your path be hard we'll stand by you
Our King and Savior, all You do
is for the cause of righteousness,
renew our land! the people bless
with prosperity and happiness!

(ding dong, ding dong,
Alleluia, alleluia,
Sing Hosanna!)

The Last Supper (Work in Progress)
SATB chorus and organ
copyright 2006 KE Peace

powered by ODEO

Take this bread, eat this bread;
This is my body, my body
Broken, broken for you.

Take this wine, drink this wine…

SATB choir and organ

powered by ODEO

"Father if it be Thy will,
Let this cup pass from my lips.
Yet not my will, but Thy will be done"

Let not your hearts be troubled... (WORK IN PROGRESS)
short piece for
SATB choir and piano with optional cello solo

powered by ODEO

Let not your hearts be troubled,
Ye believe in God; belive also in Me.
In my Father's house are many mansions -
If it were not so I would have told it to you.
I go to prepare a place for you and I will come again.
I will come again and receive you to Myself
that where I am you may be also.
And whither I go, ye know, and the way ye know.

I am the Light
young treble choir and strings

powered by ODEO
I am the light, light of the world.
Be still, listen to Me.
I am the light, light of the world.
I am the light of the world.

Out of His Mouth (Shall Flow the Living Water)
Aria for Soprano and Organ
copyright 2006 KE Peace

powered by ODEO
Lo, out of His Mouth
Shall flow the Living Water.