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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

"who hears my music, sees my soul"

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

In the Lion's Mouth

Thinking of the early Christians who were thrown to the lions... I imagine their wrists in ropes as they are marched by Centurions in armor of leather and metal, poker-faced, unmoved. Pulled, pushed - dragged, perhaps- to the coliseum. And there they are, with lions who have been starved just for the occasion. Spectators laugh and cheer: this was, of course, high sport. Something strange happens in the mind and heart when you look death in the face and see his eyes settle... here, on you. I know because I have stood at the precipice. What happens when one jumps, falls, or is pushed over that inscrutable brink?
Dedicated to Edmund Ladouceur, Principal Organist of the First United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs with gratitude for his encouragement and kindness

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In The Lion's Mouth: music for organ copyright 2006 KE Peace


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